Lion's gaze

Lion's gaze

Friday, June 21, 2024



Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder,

so that’s why she doesn’t get older!

‘Cause what I see, is lovely to me,

and why I love to hold her!

Her tender care for others “over there”,

we see almost every day,

and her heart reaches out, to those in great doubt,

while the rest of us just go up and pay.

To many she’s “Mom”, and that’s not wrong,

‘cause her heart is so tender and true,

and heaven will hold, many souls for her bold

“would you read a devotional through”?

God bless you this day, as you continue this way

and treasures laid up there will be,

for heaven will fill with those that thrill,

at the great army that all will see

I love you Sonia,

Happy Birthday - April 3, 2023



Moving, moving, never losing

a single moment in her day,

total focus on her purpose,

can’t allow herself to stray!

Other’s needs, their hurts and pain,

her reaching out is heaven’s gain,

this wife of mine so long has sought

to fight for souls that Jesus bought.

Our days go by, then years become,

though places change, and gone are some

but stalwart is her heart you see,

and ever running life’s race she be.

Go add them up and you will know,

that 44 is what they’ll show,

with miles ahead that we could see

even if our hearts grow weak

So my beloved, let us run

with all that’s left, ‘til Jesus comes,

and hold my wrinkled hand real tight,

until the end of this long fight.

Your husband on our 44th anniversary